Hooray for Reading was a series of nine shorts created by Field Communications and Pepperwood Productions, in 1979. They were a minute long and featured a child discussing something they enjoyed and then discuss book they read. The child would reveal the title of the book, after which there would be a short dramatization based on the book. The dramatization ended with a cliffhanger, and the child would tell the viewer that if they wanted to know what happened, to check it out "at your local library, along with a lot of other very good books." Installments # The Glad Man by Gloria Gonzalez # The Year of the Whale by Victor B. Scheffer # A Billion for Boris by Mary Rodgers # Then Again, Maybe I Won't by Judy Blume # The Accident by Carol Carrick # The TV Kid by Betsy Byars # Is There Life on a Plastic Planet? by Mildred Ames # Morris Brookside, a dog by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat # The Bad Times of Irma Baumlein by Carol Ryrie Brink