
This is the plural.
A hoodrat is a derogatory name for a girl, who is sexually promiscuous. It can also be used to define a girl who appears to be promiscuous.
Chatting up a hoodrat is also known as macking.
Usage and Origins
It is used by alpha-males who are looked up to by their piers. Currently, It has recently come into common use in the Leeds and Reading areas in the UK. However it's origins lie in Central America and North American suburbs.
Use in Films and Books
The word has been used in the film The 40-Year-Old Virgin
"So what you just got to do is just get you a bunch of these hood rats run through them, just knock them out. Boom, boom, boom. And once you've done slayed like of them hood rats now you ready to go up to the upper echelon type ho. You know what I mean?"
Jay, 40-Year-Old Virgin
K'wan, K'wan Foye wrote a book called Hood Rat. It was published in 2006. It is about a hoodrat called Yoshi. Hoodrat is defined in the book as "a woman of questionable repute, one who has been known to "get around" in the 'hood."
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