Holy Week Lasallian Missions (Northern Mexico district)

Holy Week Lasallian Missions (Northern Mexico district) are carried out in Holy Week in El Salto, Durango, are organized by Universidad La Salle.
1577: Start of the history of the Catholic faith on Durango's mountain range.

1964: The Carmelite padres take responsibility for these mountains.
1968: Pope Paul VI starts the prelature in El Salto, Durango.
1982: The first group of missioners for holy week arrived coordinated by Lorenzo González Kipper and Ramón Hernández Carpio.
1986: Pushed for the creation of a community by El Salto brothers.
1987: Bishop Francisco García sends a first request card.
1988: Reiterated the request claiming that the house is finished.
1989: The Visitator brother Everaldo Márquez replied, validating their request and recognizing the need of education: "Sadly lacking personnel in the short term, even the medium".
1990: It organized a house for a solemn request together, and solemnly introduced , saying to parishioners: "Today is a great day, because if a padre enters the house soon, with God's help, it will enter her sons".

1991: Our Carmen's mistress party; Third centenary of the founders' heroic vote and from first brothers.
1992: It opens a brothers' community at El Salto, Durango; it opens a new institution: "Cultural and Social center La Victoria" in El Salto.
1993: Brother Francisco Barba was sent to the community at Guadalajara.
1994: Brother Pedro Vela assumed charge of the community in Tijuana, and Pedro Córdoba of the Regio Country en Monterrey, launching its services on the new integrated community by Lorenzo Gonzalez Kipper, Manuel Ramón Camou Bórquez and Pablo Rodarte Rojas.
2000: The missioners number reached 2,500, helping in 200 towns from eight parishes. She joined fresh blood Francisco Hernández Zermeño, that became director in 2001, Domingo de Alba Suárez, Gabriel Sarralde Huitrón and Juan Gómez Moreno.
2005: Launched the tenth generation of volunteers.
What does it do?
*They delivered sweets to children.
*It plays with boys of the mountains.
*They teach about the life of a good catholic.
*Missioners celebrate holy week with the community, they represent the calvary of Jesus within another events, and help the community during their stay with everything they need, from cleaning to taking care of the children.
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