
Holomex(Hologramas de México S. de RL de CV) is a Mexican company leader in security holograms labels and holography, with operations in Latin America. Under the slogan "High technology in Holography" Holomex started operatons in 1984 in Mexico City, its headquarter is located in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico. Currently exporting throughout Latin America and the African continent.
Hologramas de México works under Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 and is a member of SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics).

Holomex was created by Daniel Lieberman Zajdman mexican engineer, during his studies he got interested in research and experiment with holographic images, Holomex began operations in 1984, it was the very first company to manufacture holograms in Latin America and the third to start operations worldwide. For over thirty years under the same leadership Hologramas de México has grown 10 times to consolidate as the most important national holographic company in the businessas
The name Holomex first appears in 1985, as the result of the words combination of “holograms” and “México”, as a reference to the origin of the company. The company logo is a planet where you can see a laser light coming in front of it by referring to the optical table goes around the planet and the initials HM is another abbreviation for Holograms and México.
Currently Holomex has four trademarks HoloSpark, Magnetfoils, Spectrafoils and Fantasyfoils. Throughout the years the company grew not only in México but in Americas, until it was consolidated as the holography leader in Latin American
Holomex began manufacturing holographic labels with generic designs for children's market, selling to retailers. After performing generic images, different companies contacted Holomex asking for specific costumized designes with Trade Mark, such as 1986 World Cup pet “El Pique”, Disney Characters figures, Juan Pablo II Pope. In the 90´s Holomex became the first national holographic label manufacturer, different government agencies looked for Holomex to ensure the originality of their documents as well as the first automotive verification.
For 2000, Hologramas de México has 80% of its output dedicated to government projects. This brought a lot of international attention. Holomex began a new strategy and focused in different markets. Therefore, government projects were reduced to 10% of sales and international private sector requirements increased.
*NOM ISO 9001:2008
In Mexico
*HoloSpark: Wide range of high light refraction designs adapted to any type of lighting.
*Magnetfoils: High light refraction designs of light, designed to attract potential customers to any product and away from the competition.
*Spectrafoils: High refractive concentric designs which make flashing it under any type of lighting.
*Fantasyfoils: Fancy designs that refract light in all conditions with unique lightingeffects according to the selected pattern.
*Customized Labels
*Safety Label
*Safety Film
*Holo Spark Designs
*Film for Blister
*Holographic Decoration
*Holographic designs, inks and substrates unique in the market
*Two-dimensional 2D Hologram: This hologram is a two-dimensional graphic image, in which all the elements are in a single level
*2D/3D Dimensional Hologram: The graphic elements are placed in 2 or 3 different planes, the background appears to be “under” or “behind” the main image, giving illusion of depth. Thes images can bee seen in a wide range of light souce. Sharp eges and bright colors are the main characteristics of this hologram.
*3D Dimensional Hologram: This hologram displays a three-dimensional image identical to a solid object based from a model, sculpture or a computer-generated image. You may see different parts of the image upon the way in which the viewer looks at the hologram; he can see behind the object just as if it was there.
*Multichannel Hologram : This hologram type contains two or more images, each in its own "channel", so depending on the position it appears to display a different image or superimposition of these.
*Hologram Colorgram: Color photographs or transparencies origin this type of holograms. You Can obtain different levels of three-dimensional effects. The graphic image may be degraded in shade and color, making this seem true or "live".
*Hologram Holomatrix®: Continuous rainbow effect is the result of micro-holographic points, which diffract light in a variety of angles. They can be found in this type of hologram, two-dimensional designs (Holomatrix ®2D), three dimensional (3D Holomatrix ®) and combinations (Holomatrix ® 2D / 3D). This holograms have more movement, brightness, color and work excellently under different light sources and conditions. Combinations may include Holomatrix ®technology and optical holograms table.

*eBeam Hologram : This hologram is not created with a laser beam, but by a powerful beam of electrons, which main difference is the size or "diameter" of the beam emitted to create holograms. It is very accurate Because its in the nanometers performing etching región, resulting in a higher quality technology. This opens a new field to créate effects and increase the number of elements in the hologram due to the new space obtained.
*SAM Hologram : This type of holograms are created from computer 3D modeled, creating the depth of digital objects which differs from the others by the multiple features in terms of 3D-based design by a very advanced computer software.
*Micro Text: Those are very small text within the hologram, that are impossible to be detected by the naked eye.
*Micro Image: They are tiny images placed into the hologram they can`t be seen easiy.
*Micro Cut: Taking advantage of the material on which the label is engraved different patterns of dies, or physical cuts, can be made to prevent the removal of the holographic label, as it will be destroyed, if removed.
*Moiré: Elements (graphics or text) are encoded within the hologram through interference. They are revealed only through a mesh anti-decoder that subtracts the interference effect. Elements can have a definition that can range from 400 to 1200 dpi.
*Hidden Image Image(s) are codified directly within the hologram, which can only be seen by means of devices that emit coherent light; laser. Each image having its own channel of vision.
*Serial Number This non-contact technology provides a high quality marking that identifies your label with a serial number or random row without damaging it in the process. It implements additional security to labels.
*Barcode: This non-contact technology provides a high quality marking that identifies your label with a serial number or random row without damaging it in the process. It implements additional security to labels.
*Sleep and hidden: Security lock just visible only when he hologram rotated 90 degrees, it can be a texto or a simple graphic

*Security Ink: This is a special ink applied on the hologram and is not perceived by the naked eye, only by exposing the hologram to black light, the security lock becomes apparent on a red hue
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