HMPP (Hybrid Multicore Parallel Programming) is a set of tool serving hybrid multi-core programming.

HMPP Workbench contains tow tools:
* a C and Fortran compiler,
* a runtime.

Suported OS:
* Debian 4.0 and above.
* RedHat Entreprise Linux 4.5 and above.
* RedHat Entreprise Linux 5.1 and above.


The main idea is: "In order to address the hybrid multi-core world, the developer must decorate his application and must not modify it".
Out of this concept, a set of directives is born. Those allow declaration and call of a codelets, which can be deported and executed on an accelerator.
They also define the execution conditions of the codelets (synchronzied, asynchronized, guard) and permit also to specify the data transfers.

As the codelets are dynamically linked to the application, HMPP can, without recompiling the complete application, use a new accelerator or an improved version of a ].

HMPP directives
HMPP directives allow the remote execution of parts of an application and deal with the data transfer from and to the hardware accelerators.

HMPP directive recognition
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