P4A - PHP For Applications is a RAD and object oriented web application framework written in PHP (version 5), for building event-driven stateful web applications. It is based on Zend Framework and features tableless HTML, multiple databases, accesskey support, auto data type recognition, transparent AJAX, UTF-8, i18n/l10n. History P4A started in 2003. Features P4A uses Zend Framework, jQuery, jQuery UI and FCKeditor and is: * 100% PHP5 * Compatible with PHP 5.2.x, Apache 1.3.x/2.0.x and Microsoft IIS 6.0 web servers on Linux/Unix/Windows operating systems * Completely object oriented and event based programming * Based on 1.5 (using Zend_Date, Zend_Db, Zend_Locale, Zend_Validate, Zend_Translate) * Stateful as a classical client application * Easy access to all major database engines (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite) through Zend_DB, with automatic data input mask generation * Multiple database connections at the same time * Automatic database data type recognition and consequent functionalities for automatic formatting and normalizing (integers, decimals, floats, date and time formats, booleans) coherent with the national locale settings * Many user interface elements (Widgets) such as single line or multiple lines text fields with advanced rich WYSIWYG text editing support, checkboxes, single/multiple selection fields, tables, buttons, tree navigators, toolbars, fieldsets etc... * WYSIWYG advanced editor (FCKeditor) with file upload * Transparent AJAX support (forget about javascript programming, everything is AJAX based in P4A but you can completely disable ajax with a single line of code, redesign one or more or every widgets on the screen after every AJAX call only using PHP instructions) * methods calls chainability * 440 locales supported (numeric and date formats) thanks to the ZF implementation of the Unicode's CLDR * More than 40 translations bundled * Completely UTF-8 * Hyper customizable with color schemas, icons packs, additional CSS Project status Current stable version is [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id98294&package_id105252 version 3.2].