
HMGS-South is a Florida, USA based chapter of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society, a non-profit organization devoted to advancing the hobby of miniature wargaming and history. The group supports two conventions each year; "Hurricon" in September in Orlando and “Recon” in April also in Orlando. In addition to miniature wargaming these conventions host gaming events in other genres including Role-playing, and recently German-style board games. HMGS-South was originally founded in March 1996. The group uses the Bonnie Blue Flag to symbolize their reverence to history and location.
Notable members include:
Richard Borg, http://en. .org/wiki/Richard_Borg
Frank Frey,
Dave Arneson, https://en. .org/wiki/Dave_Arneson
Bill Moreno, award-winning game master and special guest for Hurricon 2013
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