
HIPPEROS stands for High Performance Proven Embedded Real-time Operating System. It is a real-time operating system for multi-core embedded devices, being ported to several microcontrollers.
HIPPEROS came out of the R&D project PAPARETO carried at the PARTS (Parallel Architectures for Real-Time Systems) research unit of the Free University of Brussels (ULB). The projet was funded by an R&D grant from the Walloon Region of Belgium.
HIPPEROS is designed to be strictly predictable, deterministic and scalable for multi-core and many-core architectures. It is designed for critical applications in mind, so every part of the system has been proven. The kernel is written mainly in C. Some parts which are architecture dependent are in assembler, but the Hardware Independence Layer makes the kernel free from processor specifics.
HIPPEROS implements advanced task scheduling algorithms for achieving higher utilization of the multi-core architectures, while being fully deterministic.
Key features
*Efficient Multi-core Scheduling Algorithms
Supported architectures
*ARM architecture
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