Herbie the Erbie is a lovable fictional cartoon character designed in 1984 by PJ Hunkins. This character was brought to life in October 2007 in a colaborative effort with PJ's wife Liz Hunkins (MSW, LCSW) in the children's book titled, "Herbie the Erbie - What Are These Things Called Feelings?"
Herbie the Erbie is the main character in this book. He explores different feelings and talks about what makes him feel the way he does in an interactive manner with the reader, or readers. This book is designed as a bonding tool between parents and children to help children express their feelings in normal, healthy ways. It also encourages children to want to talk about the way they are feeling openly. This can also be useful in a therapeutic or educational setting.
The release of this book was documented in the November 10th edition of the "Your Neighbors" column in the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel. Please see below:
WAUKESHA: PublishAmerica of Frederick, Md., presented "Herbie the Erbie: What Are These Things Called Feelings?" by local authors Liz and P.J. Hunkins. Herbie the Erbie is the main character in a children's book. He explores different feelings and talks about what makes him feel the way he does in an interactive manner with the reader.