Henry Espera

Henry Espera is a Filipino martial artist. He is the founder of Rapido Realismo Kali and head of the Luneta Rapido Realismo Kali Group.
Espera hails from the Bicol Region in the Philippines, the fourth of 13 children to Ramon Espera and Encarnacion Evasco.
Grandmaster Henry Espera owes his brand of Filipino martial arts to his mentors, most notable of whom are Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo of Kali Ilustrisimo, Master Andrew "Andy" Abrian of Orabes Heneral Eskrima, and Master Juan of Automatic Arnis.
Integrating Kali, Arnis and Escrima empty hand movements, boxing (suntukan / panantukan), trapping (tapik-patibungan), kicking (sipaan or tadyakan), Filipino grappling and wrestling (buno/Dumog) with his own style of tactical footwork, he created Rapido Realismo Kali in 1997.
At present, the system is being taught in multiple locations in the Philippines, as well as in other countries.
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