Henri Ben Ezra

Henri Ben Ezra (born 1982) is an Israeli information technologist known as the CEO and Co-founder of Snatch Group Limited. The SnatchBot platform developed by Ben Ezra has been used by Airbnb, Allianz, HSBC US and Vodafone.
Technology career
Henri Ben Ezra has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry serving in the executive management levels. He was the founder and CEO of HGT Telecom in France and LT Telecom in the UK. He also founded Tata computers Ltd and became the General Manager between December 2015 - April 2017.
In 2015, Henri alongside his brother Avi Ben Ezra co-founded Snatch Group, an Israel-based company that expands the accessibility of chatbots through the use of SnatchBot and SnatchApp. Henri is currently the CEO of the company and a co-author of a book about chatbots.
Ben Ezra has stated that the period in which chatbot building was in the hands of a few highly skilled coders is over and that chatbot creation is now a mass movement. The idea of crowdsourcing chatbot creation to create a tipping point where intelligent conversational software becomes mainstream is why the Jerusalem Post speculated that Henri Ben Ezra may end up adding a seventh to the list of "6 Israeli discoveries that influenced the world".
The widespread use of chatbots does not necessarily mean job losses. According to Henri Ben Ezra, "what the chatbot does is save time. With routine enquires being handled by the chatbot, employees are free to do something else, such as handle more complex queries."
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