Health Care For All New York

Health Care For All New York (HCFANY) is a statewide coalition dedicated to winning affordable, comprehensive, quality health care for all New Yorkers. Founded in late 2007 with a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation "Consumer Voices for Coverage" grant, HCFANY came together under the leadership of 8 organizations: The American Cancer Society, Center for Working Families, Community Service Society, Children's Defense Fund of NY, Citizen Action of New York/Public Policy Education Fund, Metro New York Health Care For All, New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage, and the New York Immigration Coalition.
HCFANY organizes around its "10 Standards For Quality, Affordable, Health Care for All," which outline a series of principles by which health reforms should be measured:
*Every person must have health care coverage.
*Health care coverage must provide comprehensive benefits.
*Health care must be affordable to families, businesses and government.
*Everyone must have a choice of a public health care plan.
*Health care reforms must eliminate racial, ethnic and other disparities in the health care system.
*Health care must be easily transferable and allow for continuous coverage.
*Health care reforms must control costs while improving quality of care.
*Government must be an active watchdog and regulator of the health care system.
*Employers must contribute fairly to the cost of health care, and costs must be predictable and reasonable.
*Health care “safety net” programs must be preserved and improved.
It is around these standards that HCFANY has grown its membership to over 140 organizations around New York State.
Since its inception, HCFANY has been providing the consumer voice in the health reform conversation. This is achieved through its organizing and education efforts, web site, written policy briefs, testimony, and public presentations.
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