HD 156279 c

HD 156279 c is a confirmed, uninhabitable, gas giant exoplanet which orbits the star HD 156279, along with HD 156279 b, located about 119.1 light years (36.5 parsecs) away from Earth.
HD 156279 c was discovered in 2016 and had its discovery announced in 2018. It was discovered using the radial velocity method.
HD 156279 c has 8.6 times the mass and 0.9 times the radius of Jupiter. It orbits 4.97AU away from its star, HD 156279, and takes 11.5 years (4191 days) to complete one orbit.HD 156279 c has an orbital eccentricity of 0.23, meaning it has an eliptical orbit.
See Also
*HD 156279
*HD 156279 b
*List of exoplanets discovered in 2018
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