Hatta Solar Project

The Hatta Solar Project is a DEWA sponsored solar roof-top project for the residents of Hatta, in the Emirate of Dubai, awarded to Al Etihad Energy Services (Etihad ESCO).
A Dh1.3 billion comprehensive development plan for Hatta was launched in November 2016 by Dubai Government. The focus of the plan is to enhance the social and economic capabilities of Hatta and to boost its attractiveness as an eco-tourism destination.
In May 2017, Etihad ESCO was awarded the tender for the development and installation of solar photovoltaic systems at 554 villas for UAE nationals in Hatta. This project was part of the Shams Dubai initiative, which inspires building owners to install solar panels on their rooftops.
In March 2018, the Etihad ESCO announced the successful completion of the Hatta Solar Project, after installation of 7,756 PV solar panels over the roofs of 554 Hatta villas. Each villa is expected to generate 6,520KWh of power annually, resulting in the production of 3,612,357 KWh power in total, reducing CO2 emissions by 2,159 tons. The project’s maintenance services are also to be provided by Etihad ESCO for a period of one year from completion.
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