Hapkido Boxing International Organization

The Hapkido Boxing International Organization (HBIO) is the International Organization (IO) / Federations (IFs) are international non-governmental organizations.
The HBIO was established in India in 2011, The HBIO, which only governs the function of Hapkido Boxing competitions and related support services, should not be confused with the Hapkido Boxing International Organization also known as HBIO, which is a center of learning and research of Hapkido Boxing located in Pune Maharashtra . Hapkido Boxing International Organization is world Governing body for Hapkido Boxing. HBIO also known as world Hapkido Boxing Headquarter or mother body for Hapkido Boxing . HBIO is the centre of authentic & practical martial art, being the home of the Hapkido Boxing and Issues official membership to national Organization / Federation and issues Instructor certificate and Dan certificate to members and student .provide guideline to Hapkido Boxing Organization and school around the world . HBIO train leader of the art on sound mind , body and spirit in accordance with the principle of Hapkido Boxing.
According to the HBIO, "Hapkido Boxing is one of the most systematic and scientific indian martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is "The Way of harmonious spirit and co- ordination with power", it has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands.
Organization structure
The organizational structure of the HBIO has diversified at various times over its history to incorporate the various changes, affiliations and associations over these years of growth. As of 2011 the organization is headed up by a General Assembly made up from members of National Associations from the five world regions it represents. This in turn consists of a HBIO Council composed of an Executive Committee and various sub committees. The Executive Committee comprises a president, secretariat, and an Advisory Council. The sub committees are made up of various departments within the organization, including a technical committee and representative committees of games, women's, legislative, financial, medical, athletic .
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