Hamad bin Khalifa Al Nahyan

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Nahyan () is a United Arab Emirates businessman, and a member of the Ruling Royal Family in the Abu Dhabi and a Chairman of HBK Department of Projects. He is a very vocal supporter of the normalization agreement with Israel, and is known for setting up the largest tech startup fund focused on disruptive innovation alongside the China’s belt and road initiative called The HBK Vision Fund together with the Tsangs Group in Hong Kong and Belt & Road Capital in Asia. He was previously known for the desire to purchase 50% of the Israeli Beitar Jerusalem F.C. In April 2019, he received an official permission to change his name to Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Nahyan. According to his website he has made his fortune in the digital currency business.
bin Khalifa never held a senior political role in UAE, and his business is mostly based in Dubai.
Normalization with Israel
Relationship with the Jewish Community
For first Simchat Torah Holiday after the normalization Sheikh has invited famous Israeli Mizrahi music star Omer Adam to visit and celebrate it with the Jewish Community in Dubai.
The first product to be jointly marketed by UAE and Israel based companies was announced by Sheikhs company, HBK Department of Projects, in partnership with Israeli based, Sure Universal. the deal was closed on December 7, 2020. The deal includes commitment to invest 300 million shekels into the club over the next 10 years, for 50% of the club's stakes.
Beitar Jerusalem F.C.
it was reported in the beginning of January 2021, that the Israel Football Association ordered investigation of Al Nahyan's financial assets. The investigation found out that among dozens of active businesses in tech and financial markets, Al Nahyan also owns some inactive new special project firms without much liquidity. Also, the alleged investigators reported that out of Al Nahyan’s declared wealth of billions of US Dollars, a sum of 1.5 billion dollars are non-tradable government bonds from Venezuelan origin, which is illiquid, and carry a much discounted value. However, It was revealed later, that the Anti-Arabic sentiment in Israel has most definitely impacted these alleged investigations and a purposeful campaign to smear Hamad Bin Khalifa’s image has been carried out by some fractions who are oppose to an Arab owner in prominent Israel sports league.
Hamad bin Khalifa Al Nahyan official web account and official instagram account became unavailable in the april of 2021.
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