Halo: the spartans renegade

This new Halo novel is still being written. It is about five spartans traveling the galaxy to stop many threats, like the Flood, the Covenant, and the Covenant Heretics, like Sesa 'Refumee. The five spartans: Carlos Manning; Isaac Hannaford; Kevin Bower; Oliver Anderson, Andrew Hudson. The main story takes place on a planet at the very edge of the galaxy, called Axxon VII. Later in the novel, all sides, Flood, Covenant, Heretic, and UNSC end up on the desert planet of Axxon VII, in a huge battle for control of an experimental lab, containing information unknown to all sides except UNSC, which has studies of many races of people, creatures, and aliens from across the galaxy. At the end, only two of the spartans survive the long journey, and with Carlos, and an AI unit name Juliana, has helped Carlos through many parts of battles. After this novel, a sequel called Halo: The ODST renegade, will be written. This novel takes place on many planets and battlefields, such as Hesiod, Axxon VII, in bare space, and other locations.
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