Hal Movius

Hallam L. Movius II (born 1964) is an applied psychologist, teacher, and coach who helps leaders and teams to negotiate and collaborate more effectively. He is President of Movius Consulting and senior consultant to Consensus Building Institute. He was co-instructor from 2005 - 2009 for the Program on Technology Negotiation given by the Harvard Program on Negotiation and has also been a Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. He edits the negotiations page at CivilPolitics.org, a resource founded by psychologist Jonathan Haidt that is dedicated to promoting more constructive political discourse. He has contributed cases and teaching notes to the Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse and has also written, directed and produced negotiation training videos. He is a faculty partner for the negotiation course offered by Corporate University Exchange.
Publications and writing
Movius is co-author with Lawrence Susskind of the book Built to Win: Creating a World Class Negotiating Organization. His peer-reviewed papers have appeared in the Negotiation Journal,<ref name="a"/> Biological Psychology<ref name="b"/> and the International Journal of Psychophysiology.<ref name="c"/> He has also written on leadership with Warren Bennis<ref name="d"/> and contributed pieces to The Washington Post<ref name="e"/> and Time Magazine.<ref name="f"/>
Personal life
Movius is the grandson of Hallam L. Movius and the son of American poet Geoffrey Movius. He graduated from Harvard College in 1987, where he majored in American History and formed the rock band The Floating World with Jacob Slichter and Dan Wilson. He holds an MA (1997) and Ph.D. (2000) in Psychology from the University of Arizona and completed a clinical internship at the Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School. He is married with two children and lives in Charlottesville, VA.
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