HaKohen family (Geonim)

The Ha-Kohen family were a priestly Gaonic Babylonian-Jewish family, who occupied key positions at the Talmudic Academies in Babylonia. The family were a branch of the House of Exilarchs, descending from the Exilarch, Bostanai. Several Rishonim and even Acharonim claim descent from members of the family.
Family tree
* The Exilarchs (descendants of King David).
** Bostanai, first exilarch under Arabian rule.
*** Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai
**** Hanina of Nehar Pekkod, Sura Gaon from 689-694.
***** Jacob of Nehar Pekod, Sura Gaon from 712-730.
****** Mesharsheya Kahana ben Jacob Sura Gaon from 820-830.
***** Mari ha-Kohen of Nehar Pekod, Sura Gaon from 748-756
****** Hilai ben Mari, Sura Gaon from 789-798.
******* Natronai ben Hilai, Sura Gaon from 853-861.
******* Rav Abimai, Sura Gaon in 815.
******** Kohen Tzedek ben Abimai, Sura Gaon from 832-843.
********* Natronai Yosef
********** Jacob ben Natronai, Sura Gaon from 911-924.
*********** Joseph ben Jacob, Sura Gaon from 930-936.
************ Samuel ben Hofni, Sura Gaon from 998 to 1012.
********* Elazar
********** Ezra ibn Shaprut
*********** Isaac ben Ezra, Spanish Rabbi
************ Hasdai ibn Shaprut, Jewish scholar, physician, diplomat, and patron of science.
******** Nahshon ben Zadok, Sura Gaon from 872-879.
**** Rav Rabya, Pumbedita Gaon in 710.
***** Dodai ben Nahman, Pumbedita Gaon from 761-767.
****** Abba bar Dudai, Pumbedita Gaon from 773-782.
******* Joseph ben R. Abba, Pumbedita Gaon from 814-816.
******** Several Generations
********* Sherira Gaon
***** Yehudai ben Nahman, Sura Gaon from 757 to 761.
****** Habibai ben Yehudai
******* Anan ben David, founder Karaite Judaism
******** Karaite Princes
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