Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir is a professor in general educational theory and special education at the University of Iceland.
Education and teaching
In 2000, Hafdís completed her PhD in special education from the University of Oregon. Her doctoral dissertation, Responsive professional practice: Teachers analyze the theoretical and ethical dimensions of their work in diverse classrooms, discusses how teachers meet diverse groups of student groups in inclusive schools.
Hafdís has rights to teach at all levels of schooling. She worked as a teacher at Fellaskóli in Breiðholt from 1974 to 1979, at Engidalsskóli in Hafnarfjörður from 1979 to 1987, and at Lækjarskóli from 1986 to 2000. As an elementary school teacher, Hafdís led innovation and development and emphasised education for all, varied teaching methods, and cooperation amongst teachers, students and parents. She managed development projects and held numerous courses for pre-school and elementary school teachers from 1992 to 2005.
Hafdís started working at the Iceland University of Education the year she finished her PhD. She worked as an assistant professor there until the school merged with the University of Iceland in 2008. She was promoted to associate professor at the University of Iceland's School of Education in 2008 and professor in 2013. and in Icelandic and foreign books and journals. Amongst the publications that have drawn attention are , which was published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education 2007, working in collaboration with Cacciattolo, Dakich, Davies, Kelly, and Dalmau, who work at Victoria University in Melbourne. The article , was published in Studying Teacher Education 2014. It built on research she did in collaboration with Dr. Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, professor, and Dr. Karen Rut Gísladóttir, associate professor. The chapter has attracted attention. It was published in the International Handbook of Self-Study Teaching and Teacher Education, 2004. The chapter [https://books.google.is/books?hlen&lr&idlUgqBgAAQBAJ&oifnd&pgPA102&dqinfo:k5kN6WMy27MJ:scholar.google.com&otsxppjnOt4L8&sigtFf_wqTrCOzokXAD34EomjY0ai8&redir_esc=y#vonepage&q&ffalse „Framing professional discourse with teachers“] was published in 2002 in Improving Teacher Education Practices through Self-Study. In 2017 the book Taking a Fresh Look at Education came out. Hafdís edited it, along with Mary C. Dalmau, Victoria University, Melbourne, and Deborah Tidwell, University of Northern Iowa.
International research collaboration
*Innovative Teacher Education Through Personalized Learning (INTERPEARL). Erasmus+ project, 2018-2021. Collaborating parties are from Siauliai University, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University and the University College Cork.
*Teaching diverse learners in (School) Subjects. Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Network, 2014-2016. Collaborating parties were from the following universities: University of Education, Ludwigsburg; University of Boras; Siauliai University; University of Luxembourg and University of Madrid.
*Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice (LSP), 2013-2016. Supported by NordForsk and Rannís. Collaborating parties were from Hedmark University College, Hamar, and the University College of Nord-Tröndelag (HiNT), University of Trondheim, Norway; and the University of Helsinki, Finland; and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
*Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners (DTDL), 2011-2014. Supported by NordForsk. Collaborating parties were from Hedmark University College, Hamar; University College of Nord-Tröndelag (HiNT) and University of Trondheim; University of Helsinki; University of Strathclyde; University of Toronto and University of Manitoba.
*Teacher education for inclusion (T4I), 2009-2012. Project under the auspices of The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. The participants came from 28 European countries.
*A Sociocultural Perspective on the Outgrowth and Development of the Self-Study School (2008-2012). Collaborating parties came from Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, and George Mason University, Washington DC, USA.
*Pedagogy for inclusive education, 2004-2008. Collaborating parties came from Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria.
*Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education, 2003-2005. Project under the auspices of The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and Inclusion. The participants came from six European countries.
*Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education, 2001-2003. Project under the auspices of The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and Inclusion. The participants came from six European countries. She was also assistant editor of TATE (2012-2015) and a member of the journal's editorial board 2016-2018. Since 2017, Hafdís has been one of two editors of Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun (TUM) (Icelandic Journal of Education). She has twice been the editor of special issue of Netla, a journal of the University of Iceland's School of Education. Hafdís has been active in scholars’ international collaboration. Among other things, she has participated in the work of the American Education Research Association (AERA), particularly in the network Self-study of Teacher Education Practices Special Interest Group (S-STEP). For example, she was the chair of S-STEP from 2015 to 2017 and was a program chair from 2007 to 2010. Hafdís has also been an active participant in the European Educational Research Association (EERA). Since 2015, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments. Hafdís is Iceland's representative in the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT).
Since 2018, Hafdís has been a member of the task force Menntun fyrir alla (Education for All) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Hafdís has served on the boards of directors of professional associations, such as the Association of Special Education Teachers, Fleti (the Association of Mathematics Teachers). Years before she was a member of the Board of Directors of Municipal Elementary School Teachers.
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