
Hackwatch is a regular feature in Private Eye exposing various and invariably unflattering examples of journalism.


*Joined-Up Editing Award

Congratulations to The Daily Telegraph, which on 26 February 2007 ran a long article about the evils of "the casino culture" - a harrowing account of the wretched, debt-ridden existence that most punters have in the U.S. and that the UK is about to replicate. Shortly before the piece appeared, subscribers to the Telegraph online service were bombared with special offers from "Ritz Casino online", a casino which is owned by David and Frederick Barclay, proprietors of the The Daily Telegraph.

*The Observer Magazine, Barbara Ellen - "If I hear one more paper refer to Carol Caplin as 'a former topless model...". The Observer, page 7, "Carol Caplin, a former topless model."
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