Gujarati computing

Gujarati compuing means developing computer software(s) for Gujarati language. Gujarati computing is consider as a part of Indic computing. The word Gujarati computing is used first by netGujarati Blog. Gujarati computing may refers to computing or programming in computer for Gujarati language. There are many software developed for Gujarati language by software programmer or developers.
Gujarati API(s)
There are many api(s) for developing software(s) for localization for Gujarati language.
Google Transliterate API
Google Transliterate provides the api for phonetic translation into Indic Language including Gujarati.
Phonetic Translation Library is a project that aims to create reusable components (C++ libraries, COM components, and Edit controls) for Phonetic Transliteration of Indian languages, such as Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada etc. Reuse, platform-compatibility and easy-of-use are the primary design considerations. This release ships with both ready to use end-user tools and programming API libraries, components. In-built support for 10 Indian Languages.
netGujarati is a blog, which provides various api(s) for developing Gujarati softwares. netGujarati gives the apis for Visual Basic 6.0 and . NET Framework languages.
PramukhLib is javascript library which is provides the API to write Indic Langauges including Gujarati.
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