Grounders is a playground game somewhat similar to Tag, played on a playground, wherein the object is for the play who is "it" to tag another player. However, the "it" player is blindfolded, and, if he/she suspects another player is touching the ground, may call "grounders" to "tag" the player without actually touching them. Rules - The "it" player must start from a determined point off the playground, and give a full 10-count before beginning pursuit - The "it" player must be blindfolded/unable to see - If the "it" player is caught peeking, they must start again, returning to the original start point and counting to 10 - If the "it player touches another player, that player becomes "it" - If the "it" player calls "Grounders" when another player is on the ground, that player becomes "it" - All player must start on the same playground structure, and remain on it for the 10-count. However, after the 10-count, the entire playground is available - A common misconception is that players may not strike the "it" player with anything. However, touching and teasing the "it" player is usually considered one of the most fun parts of the game. - Players are allowed to make any physical distractions they like. - Players ARE allowed to make sound distractions to avoid being tagged by the person who is "it". - No non-"it" players are allowed to hold another non-"it" player, for use as a human shield or otherwise. Violation is punished by the player becoming "it" - If a player is on the ground, and jumps when "Grounders" is called, he must land on a structure to be safe. Landing on the ground counts as a tag. - All disputes are decided by general consensus of all impartial players. - If a player who is "it has been "it" for more than 20 minutes, and has still not tagged a player, "Mercy" may be called by any player, including the "it" player, and a new player is nominated. It is then up to the other players whether or not the "it" player may continue playing. Trivia -The game of Grounders is widely considered to be the greatest sport ever conceived by mankind. -Grounders is a dangerous game, especially when wet. -Grounders is the official sport of ED Club. -Grounders is the official sport of the Dalmatians.