Gross Domestic Knowledge Product

Gross domestic knowledge product (GDKP) is an economic model that measures a country's total production of knowledge.
Developed by Italian economist Umberto Sulpasso, GDKP was created as an alternative to GDP by placing greater value on the production of knowledge. The growth of the digital economy in the 21st century has led to the demand for an economic model capable of measuring the full extent knowledge plays in the modern economy. GDKP measures a wide range of factors that involve the creation and accumulation of knowledge, the key wealth generator in the digital economy.
Determining Gross Domestic Knowledge Product (GDKP)
Gross domestic knowledge product measures the factors that contribute to a country’s knowledge. GDKP is calculated based on four pillars: Knowledge items (Ki), a country’s Knowledge Producing Matrix (CKPM), a country’s Knowledge User Matrix (CKUM), and Cost of Individual Learning, compared to the Cost of Living.
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