Andrew Griffin, also known as Griffpatch, is a popular content creator from York, England. He is known for creating popular games and tutorials that teach programming concepts in the block-based programming language Scratch. Griffpatch first joined Scratch in October 2012 and has since gained a large following for his projects, becoming the most followed user on the platform. He is known for pushing the limits of what is possible Scratch, including creating many 3D projects and cloud games. In addition to his work on Scratch, Griffpatch also regularly posts Scratch tutorials on YouTube. The top 2 most viewed scratch projects were created by Griffpatch; * * [ Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D)]. Additionally, he created the top 3 most favourited and most loved projects. Griffpatch is also well-known for recreating popular games in Scratch. These include; * - Geometry Dash * [ Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D)] - Minecraft * - Getting Over It Many of his projects have been embedded outside of scratch in places such as; * (Geometry Dash) * (Geometry Dash) * (Geometry Dash) * (Paper Minecraft) * (Paper Minecraft) * (Getting Over It) * (Getting Over It) * (Appel)