Gregory Gandrud

Gregory Gandrud (born February 25, 1961) is an American politician and businessman. In 2002, he was elected to the Carpinteria City Council and has held a number of elected positions in the Republican Party. In 2005, he was appointed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to the California Recreational Trails Committee. In 2008, he ran unsuccessfully for the 35th District State Assembly seat held by incumbent Pedro Nava. . In 2011, Gregory Gandrud was unanimously elected as the first openly-gay member of the California Republican Party Board of Directors . Gandrud's tenure on the Carpinteria City Council was somewhat controversial as he pushed for widening of U.S. Highway 101 despite the foot-dragging of certain "anti-growth" elements in the community . In July of 2016, Gandrud attended the Republican National Convention as an Alternate Delegate for Donald J. Trump and attended Trump's inauguration in January of 2017 .
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