What is is a social news website / blogging site made for people to discover and share ways to be more Earth friendly and aware of green initiatives. is where bloggers can be invested in green issues are given a platform to share their thoughts about environmental concerns, green living, and recycling. Users are able to share links to their favorite info sites and other users are able to give their opinions on projects and ideas. In essence, this site is a Green activist blogging site.
History and description
On Earth Day, April 22, 2008, a small group Matt Bartlett, was contemplating with some friends the fact that there was no gathering place online for people who really care about the planet, environment and other green issues to gather. The more this was discussed, the more convinced they became that creating such a place was an essential need. The goal was that they wanted to create this gathering place within one year.
Like a lot of things, this proved to be easier said than done. Ever fearful of giving up their day jobs and nights, much of their social life was given up to Against the better judgment of some of their closet friends and relatives, their small group of web developers, graphic designers and software engineers contributed many hours of work to their cause of a green Earth. Because of these efforts, GreenPress is the premier place where green bloggers share thoughts and ideas about environmental issues and green living.
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