Greenpark Villa

Greenpark Villa is a private building in 9 Kat Cheung Street, Fanling, Hong Kong. It was built Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.
Facilities at the building include a club house, swimming pool, car park, and a large park. Wealthy professionals from mainland China, such as factory owners in China, buy housing here for its ready access to bus and trains to mainland China. Some westerners also live in Greenpark Villa, as they find the environment near the housing to be similar to that found in western apartment buildings.
Events held in Greenpark Villa include panic to North's Park, Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, swimming competitions, and a Christmas show.
Greenpark Villa TV Channel
The Greenpark Villa Chinese Channel went live in 2006. An English-language version will open soon, and the management of Greenpark Villa, ISS EastPoint, plans to employ a few English reporters to report Greenpark Villa news, such as events held, the water project, etc. Residents and non-residents will be able to watch it online. Greenpark Villa is the only building in Fanling with a private channel.
Greenpark Villa management won an award for the "Cleanest Housing in Fanling" every year from 2001 through 2010
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