
Green-Storming: How To Quickly Achieve Value in Sustainability Efforts is a progressive digital book by Todd Rawlings first published in January 2008 and utilizing the new progressive publishing method. It clearly teaches you how to leverage industry-standard tools, processes and facilitation techniques to guide a group from an environmental, green or sustainability problem to immediate value-based solutions and action plans.

According to Rawlings, Green Storming takes the best of Six Sigma tools (such as Qualify Functional Development, Ideation Brainstorming and I-TRIZ) mashes it up with backcasting and mindmapping techniques to quickly enable any size group to focus in on the root causes, identify what is critical to stakeholders, determine what actions will yield the best results in the shortest timeframe, develop an action plan to proceed and a control plan to ensure your team is achieving measurable progress.

The book breaks all this down into simple step-by-step lessons with extensive examples, templates and tutorials to help any size team tackle their sustainability challenge.

Elements from Six Sigma
* Qualify Functional Development (QFD): A Six Sigma process that is used to quickly summarize stakeholder needs and weights solutions based on their priority value.
* Ideation Brainstorming: Combines the advantages of traditional brainstorming techniques of Alex Osborn and of the I-TRIZ techniques.
* TRIZ is an acronym of Russian Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, which has been developed by Genrich Altshuller in 1940s-80s in Russia.

Elements from The Natural Step
* Backcasting:

Elements from Mindmapping
* Mindmapping:
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