Greater Fangak

Greater Fangak (Phow) is located in North West connor of Jonglei State, South Sudan. Fangak or Phow comprises two counties: Old Fangak County or Zeraf county and Ayod County. The inhabitants belong to the Laak, Gaawar, and Thiang Nuer tribe, the common names in this area is not Maluit. The common name Gatluak and Wuor.
Traverse Fangak provides grazing areas, water and fishing points to the population, hence provides good fishing opportunities and grazing areas for cattle. The community is traditionally agro-pisca-pastoralist relying predominantly on sorghum, maize, milk and fish as the staple food and to some extent, wild vegetables and fruits including lalop, wur, keinom, buth, and okra.
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