Graveside Tales


Graveside Tales is a small publishing house of horror and dark fantasy literature. Their books are based on two key elements: dark atmosphere and character-driven plots.

The first book to be released by Graveside Tales was the 2007 anthology Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths, which has been met with mostly positive reviews. The company also promotes free fiction in the form of serial novels which are presented in blog form and are available to anyone for no charge.


*Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths (December 2007)
*The Beast Within (October 2008)
*Harvest Hill (forthcoming 2009)

*HAWG - Stephen Shrewsbury (June 2008)
*Everdead - Rio Youers (October 2008)

Online Serials
*Jennings Grove - Jeff Parish
*Plague - Bret Jordan
*Sideshow Pi - Kevin Sweeny and Nathaniel Lambert
*Blood Routes - Barry Napier
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