Grasdorf plates

Grasdorf Plates
On 22nd July 1991 a large pictogram style crop circle appeared at Grasdorf near Hildesheim, Lower Saxony. The owner of the farm on which the pictogram appeared, Werner Harenberg, was approached by an unnamed metal detectorist some 9 days after the crop circle initially appeared, who found 3 plates at the centre of 3 of the circular markings in the crops
Each plate was made of a different metal, one of bronze, one of silver, one of gold. The plates bronze and silver plates are reported as having a 23 cm circumference, and weighing 3.5 and 5 kgs, respectively.. Each plate features a raised decoration, that is identical to the crop pictogram under which it was found. The images on the plates and in the pictogram have been interpreted as a representation of the Sun Chariot, inspired by, or similar to the Trundholm sun chariot.
The silver and bronze plates were displayed in October 1992 at the 'Dialogue with the Universe' Conference at Dusseldorf, Germany.
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