Granny Peace Brigade - NYC

The Granny Peace Brigade is an active anti-war demonstration group in New York City made up of senior citizens. They work along side members of Code Pink, Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, and are one of many local activist groups like Chelsea Neighbors Uniteda group based in the Midtown West neighborhood of Chelsea, Manhattan

While having been arrested and aquitted for protesting outside a
military recruitment center in Times Square , the ladies are now working on initiatives such as preventing military recruiters from entering public schools to recruit, and opposition to militarization on a global scale. They are also politically active by social networking for Phone-a-thons, which are the coordination of voices for social change and war opposition to elected officials.

The Grannies were initially formed when a group of women approached military recruiters and asked to be sent to Iraq in order to save grandchildren who had been sent over.

*Gray Panthers

*Philadelphia Chapter Peace Brigade - Philly

*Cindy Sheehan

*Raging Grannies
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