
The Hindi word Gosine (or Gosain, Goosaayee, or Gussain) (from Sanskrit Goswami), 'lord of senses' refers to:
* Members of the Dasnami order, established by Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
* A certain class of Shaivite ascetics.
* A Dasnami sannyasin title given to a disciple by his guru after being baptised into a sanyasa tradition (for example, Gosain or Gusain or Gosine, or Goswami Tulsidas).
* A Brahmin who, after several years of study of Veda and Purana, is ordained by senior Pandits as a master of his senses or a Gosine.
* A title given to leaders of the Vallabhas.
* The name of a subcommunity of Brahmins, the descendants of Chaitanya.
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