
Sreepeetham, center of Vedic learning, Advaitha philosophy as expounded by Sri Adi Sankara, located in Kakinada town, started by Paripoornananda Saraswati Swami. He identified the need to start a Place of learning in coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh, the foundation stone for the same was laid on the holy Ratha Saptami day in February 1999, completed its construction by May 2001.
Swami , the Gurudev of Paripoornananda installed the idols of Sri Lakshmi Ganapati, Subrahmanya Swami and Sri Aiswaryambica sahith Sundareswara Swami as Presiding Deity at the ashram. During Dussehra festival, the Goddess adorns avatar specific to the day of Navratri. During such festival days, thousands of devotees visit the temple.
‘Sree’ stands for auspicious and good. ‘Peetham’ means ‘place’. The ‘Sreepeetham’ to be a place for imparting Wisdom to propagate the Sanatana Dharma and Advaita Vedanta to the masses to adopt in their daily routine.
Sanatana Dharma imparts not only wisdom but also service to society. Swami followed Sanatana Dharma and Vedic tradition and established following wings to achieve these ideals.
Narayanaseva (Service to needy) thru Meenakshi Seva foundation
“Manava Sevaye Madhava Seva”, meaning Service to humanity is service to God. Sreepeetham under this project, provides food and clothing is provided to the downtrodden weaker sections of the society, Orphans, physically and mentally handicapped people and orphan aged old parents.
Goseva (service to Cow) thru Sankara trust
Worship and protection of Cows is an important duty according to Hindu Scriptures. Cow is revered by Hindus as 'gomatha' (Cow mother) for prosperity, piousness and healing qualities. No ritual begins without worshipping the cow. All the Gods and Goddesses are invoked in cow and worshipped.
However, in the last few years there is indiscriminate cow slaughter in India, hurting Hindu sentiments and religious divide in the country. Paripoornanda said solution lies in action, Sreepeetham inititiated action, constructed 'Goshala' providing shelter and fodder to the cows. However this is very small effort considering millions of cows slaughtered across the Country.
Vedapathasala thru Swamy Dayananda Educational Trust
The Guru - Shishya Parampara (tradition) is a unique feature of Sanathan Dharma, which is the backbone of the entire ancient scriptures through all the ages. To sustain this tradition, Swami established Veda - Smaartha paathasaala under Dayananda educational society trust.
Young boys, aged 9 years and above, having initiated to undergo the Vedic learning are being given training in a traditional Saampradaaya (method) under a guru for a period of 12 years in Veda, Smaartha and Sanskrit. The students are provided shelter and nutritious food, clothes, daily needs and necessary medical aid.
Inorder to reach out to vast populace for spreading the awareness of Sanathan Dharma a monthly magazine by name Sreepeetham introduced. This magazine contain articles on philosophical topics, cosmology, discuss Hindu scriptures, Bhagavad Gita contributed by eminent scholars, intellectuals and Swami.
Magazine also a pointer to day-to-day activities of Sreepeetham with a message of Swami on religious and happenings in society. As on today, the magazine published only in Telugu language.
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