Gomes Elementary School

John M. Gomes Elementary School, more commonly known as Gomes Elementary, is an elementary school in Fremont, California. It is located at 555 Lemos Lane 94539. It is one of 28 elementary schools in the city belonging to the Fremont Unified School District. This school has an enrollment of approximately 889 students.
Gomes is a nationally and state recognized highly achieving school. Its highest achievement was the status of a National Blue Ribbon School in 1987. It is one of the few schools in the district to achieve this honor in its history. It is consistently able to keep approximately 90 percent of its students scoring at or above the 50 percentile. The API growth score for 2005-2006 is 989. These numbers place Gomes tied for 5th in the state according to the API Growth score. Gomes Elementary lacks any significant non-white/non-Asian population. The school has a student population of 85 percent Asians and 11 percent Whites, 2 percent Latinos, while the remaining populations are all at less than one percent.<ref name="GomesSARC"/> Due to this fact, only the test scores for Asians and Whites are reported for the school since only data is reported for those populations with significant numbers.<ref name="GomesSARC"/> Additionally, male students slightly outnumber female students.<ref name="GomesSPPA"/>
Parent Involvement
Gomes Elementary is in one of most tight-knit communities in Fremont, and reports a very high level of parent involvement. Their Back-to-School night and Open House have both reported attendance of about 95%.<ref name="GomesSARC"/> There are many significant parent organizations on the campus, including the PTA, the School Site Council (SSC), the Emergency Preparedness Committee (GEPT), Traffic Safety Patrol, and FAME and Music for Minors, which assigns docents in classrooms.<ref name="GomesSARC"/> Parents have very close communication with teachers and administrators.<ref name="GomesSARC"/>
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