Gold Mercury International

Gold Mercury International is 'an independent think tank and international non-governmental organisation' founded in 1961 in Italy and now based in London's Mayfair according to the website. Gold Mercury International specializes in global governance and 'visionary leadership'. The organisation grants the Gold Mercury Awards in eight 'global governance challenge areas'.

Some of the 2006-2007 Award winners include:

Gold Mercury Humanitarian Award
Kerry Kennedy, Founder of The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights and Chairman of "Speak Truth to Power" programme

Gold Mercury Cooperation & Development Award
CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Washington DC, USA.

Gold Mercury Corporate Governance Award
Xerox Corporation Connecticut, USA.

Gold Mercury Health & Science Award
Dr. Robert C. Gallo Director of the Institute of Human Virology. Baltimore, USA.

Gold Mercury Information & Media Award
Television Trust for the Environment London, United Kingdom.

Gold Mercury International also supports the UN Global Compact as a civil society organisation Civil Society Organisations and works closely with its affiliate consultancy Corporate Vision Strategists (formerly know as Twelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategists). Nicolas De Santis is the Secretary General of Gold Mercury International.

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