God of Cat Food

God of Cat Food is a javascript game for web browsers using the box2dweb physics engine. It was designed as an entry for the 27th Ludum Dare programming competition held on August 23-26, 2013 by a group of students from the University of Helsinki's Computer Science Department.
In God of Cat Food, the player drops food items from the top edge of the screen in an attempt to feed moving cats by having the food items collide with them. Once hitting the ground the food items rot and disappear after a given amount of time. The cats move around randomly within the full window frame. The cats become more agitated and turn a brighter red when they are malnourished. When a cat goes unfed for a long enough time it dies and the player loses the game. The game has nine levels each with varying maps and obstacles that make feeding the cats more challenging. The objective of each level is to feed enough cats which grants access to the next level. The game also has random events that can be beneficial or hinder the player in their attempt to keep the cats fed.
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