God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Fr Jerry Sequeira in one of his discourse, beautifully puts together verses from The Bible to give us a picture of God, if he is there, where he is, where he is not and what he is. The discourse is in a vernacular language and an effort has been taken to bring it forth in English. Some light has been shed on the terms like Big bang and Bible at the start to enable one to move forward and understand.
Truly said by Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D) - "Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore do not seek to understand in order to believe, but believe that thou may understand"
I was from the truth, but did not know the truth. I went around like a vagabond searching for the truth. Until, the eyes of faith opened me to understand and believe the truth.
The Big Bang Theory
Most scientists believe that the Universe started about 13.7 billion years ago. That in the beginning, there appeared an infinitely small and dense burning ball that gave rise to space, matter, and energy (in physics - ‘singularity’). The great, unanswered question is what caused a small dot of light - filled with concentrated energy from which matter and antimatter were created - to rise from nothingness then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to form the cosmos that we know today. I always thought science was based on facts but big bang theory is based on an assumption. And, also the origin of this small dot of light is not known. Could this small dot of light be ‘the word’ (John Ch. 1 verse 1 - 5) of God
What is the Bible
The Bible is a compilation of books and letters written by 40 authors, over the longest period of time, a period of approximately 1,500 years. The Scriptures teach us that the Holy Spirit produced the work of preserving the Word of God through the authors of the Bible. The authors were people from different walks of life such as Moses, Isaiah, John and Paul. In spite of the diversity of the inspired writers, The Bible has one central message consistently carried by all 40 writers of the Bible: God, who created us all, desires a relationship with us. He calls us to know him and trust him. It explains life and God to us. It does not answer all the questions we might have, but enough of them. It shows us how to live with purpose and compassion. How to relate with others. It encourages us to rely on God for strength, direction, and enjoy his love for us. The Bible also tells us how we can have eternal life.
Is there God?
Well known philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, on his death bed exclaimed, "Oh God if there is a God save my soul if there is a soul. " A well known philosopher, a knowledgeable man of wisdom according to the world. In spite of being filled with knowledge and wisdom, Jean Paul Sartre did not have knowledge of God and soul. He was filled with knowledge of the world but blank in Divine wisdom
There is a story about two boys, Johnny and Tony. One night under the brightness of the street light Johnny was searching for something. His friend Tony who happened to be passing that way inquired what he was searching for at night under the street light. Johnny replied, "It’s just a small needle" Tony offered his assistance and both started searching for the small needle. After thoroughly searching Tony happened to ask his friend, "Johnny Dear, you have lost this small needle and cannot be found. Where did you lose it?" Johnny replied, "In the house" "what! You lost it in the house and why are looking for it under the street light" exclaimed Tony. Johnny replied, "Because it is very bright under the street light"
As it was with Johnny, we are also looking for God. Are we looking for him in the right place? Probably we are looking for him in the wrong place and hence we do not know him, no understanding of him, and no love of him.
The following verse from the Bible declares that he is there:
Exodus Ch. 3: 13 - 15
13 "But," said Moses to God, "if I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what do I tell them?" 14 God replied to Moses: I am who I am. Then he added: This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you. 15 God spoke further to Moses: This is what you will say to the Israelites: The LORD, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever; this is my title for all generations.
God replied to Moses, " I AM WHO I AM" thereby stating his living presence as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and the God of the Living. This being his title for all generations. Now where is ‘I AM’ present ? Instead of first trying to find his presence it would be appropriate to know where he is not present !
The following verses from the Bible gives us an understanding of where God is not present :
== Where God is not present ! ==
Shall be continued....
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