
GoBug is a symbolic debugger which can be used to test and fix programs which work on the Win32 (Windows) operating system.

GoBug can read symbols which are embedded in the executable (EXE or DLL) which are contained in separate DBG, PDB (program database) or MAP files.

GoBug is one of the "Go" tools for program development. The free tools in this series are GoAsm (assembler), GoLink (linker), and .

The first version of GoBug was published in 1996. Since then it has been used and acclaimed by many Windows programmers.

The aim of the author has been to offer a user-interface which is as friendly and obvious as possible. GoBug's features include printable and dumpable disassembly panes and log, single-stepping jump over and run-to (breakpoints, message, specific message), inspection of registers memory and stack, stacktrace, exception break, comprehensive logs of events messages instructions and registers, support for multi-threaded programs, Unicode labels, resource extraction etc.

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