Global Issue

A global issue is something that affects every human on the planet. The term was introduced in 60s due to activity of Club of Rome.
Global issues list, brief explanation of the issue and approaches to its resolvation
1. Lack of efforts to cancel ageing in humans.
Recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and extending a lifespan of model animals (mice-2.5 times, yeast -15 times, nematodes-10 times) and discovery of variety of species (including humans of advanced ages) having negligible senescence give hope to achieve negligible senescence (cancel ageing) for younger humans, reverse ageing or at least significantly delay it. In spite of the developments mentioned above and the fact that ageing is admitted to be the major cause of mortality in developed world the anti-ageing and life extention research is greatly underfunded . In spite of the fact that the human life is declared to be a basic value in many societies there is still no strong awareness and thus demand of the society to cancel human aging.
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