Glenlivet Challenge

The Glenlivet Challenge is a game played by alcoholics in order to find out who will be drinking 3 fingers of Glenlivet. Most often played at the bar of Bethlehem BrewWorks, the game involves flipping a coin to determine if the participant will be drinking or not.
The Coin
The coin used in the game depends on availability, if an iPhone is available the coin flipping app will be used. Usually the Mexican Peso is chosen for the coin in this situation. Other times the US Washington Gold Dollar. If there is no iPhone handy a US Quarter is used.
The Toss
The participant flips the coin and determines whether heads or tails will indicate either outcome. For example, "Heads, I'm drinking. Tails, I don't. OK? Heads, I'm drinking. Tails, I don't".
The Drink
To date, no substitutions have been made for the scotch. While the age has varied, the brand has not. Most often the cheapest (least aged) Glenlivet 8 is used although from time to time someone will splurge on the good stuff.
The Measurement
While the reason for the amount of "Three Fingers" is unknown, it is strictly adhered to. The measurement itself is not so strict. It is left to the discretion of the BrewWorks bartenders and accurate measurements would reveal gross overserving.
The Outcome
If the coin falls on the side of drinking, the loser (or winner, depending on your view point) will consume the 3 fingers of scotch along side of their beer. While chugging is not encouraged, "sitting" on your drink will surely invite criticism and scorn.
While the Glenlivet Challenge may not be notable to date, it is a game that has generated a lot of interest in the Greater Lehigh Valley. This is a game that will prove it's importance in time. Leave this article here so that others can learn.
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