Giovanni picarazzi

"The Mafia Kid" Giovanni Picarazzi is a professional wrestler in upstate NY. Known through out all of upstate NY Giovanni currently wrestles under the professional wrestling federation of Ultimate Wrestling.

Giovanni has performed in shows across Elmira, NY to Geneva, NY. Appearing in "Pushing the Limit", "Second Dosage", "3X The Pain", and most recently "Divine Intervention".

Born on October 26, as John J. Picarazzi, Giovanni was trained by head trainers of a wrestling school in Elmira known as the Green DoJo. Johnny Kadillac, and "Crazy" Chris Knevial would not only become Giovanni's trainers but also great friends. Growing up in Elmira, NY Giovanni had the dream, like many others, to be a professional wrestler. When Giovanni had heard about the new and upcoming school, he quickly joined and was soon becoming a professional wrestler. Giovanni now is doing Backyard wrestling for All Out Wrestling, a business in which Giovanni created. With his "cousin" Vinnie Picarazzi "The Mafia Kids" are the most popular tag team on the roster.

Giovanni and his business sell over 100 DVD's from AOW a month. Many poeple love to tune in and see "The Mafia Kid(s)" perform at their best. Soon Giovanni will be wrestling for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) as he is headed for an interview towards the end of this year, in Stamford, CT.

Giovanni's Mafia based character is of great caliber. His father, was also in the Mafia, and Giovanni grew up only knowing a life of crime. Giovanni is a top hit amongst all of upstate NY.

Giovanni's wrestling career:
-With only approximately 30 matches, and 6 months of training, Giovanni is still a great hit amongst pro wrestling fans. Crossing into the path of Jay Flyier, at a UW Underground show, Giovanni defeated Jay Flyier, and then began climbing the ladder. The following show he again defeated Jay, and the show after that was stopped by Johnny Kadillac. Kadillac come from the crowd and attacked the well-known superstar, Giovanni Picarazzi. At the following show in Kadillac's match with Dane "The Pain" Giovanni attacked Kadillac with a baseball bat after his match. Kadillac would begin to fight back, but only be decimated by Giovanni Picarazzi as Kadillac would get tired. Finally Giovanni saw fit after about 5 mintues of a blind-sided attack Giovanni hit him with his famous signature finishing move-- The Bada Bing! And then pinned him for the three count, and Kadillac would soon seek revenge.

-The following week the two squared off in the middle of the ring both with a vengence. Giovanni would try to gain the upper-hand but would just be annilated by the over-whelming strength of JK Johnny Kadillac. After being tossed on the shoulder of JK and dropped on his head, Giovanni fell victim to the path of Kadillac.

-Revenge was still a task that needed to be fulfilled and when he made his return from a concussion injury, Giovanni would attack Kadillac yet again. When Jay Flyier seen the chaos between the two, he stepped in between them, and stopped the chaos. Both Kadillac and Picarazzi attacked the good-willing Jay Flyier, and the Kadillac and Giovanni would soon begin an "untouchable" alliance.

-Recruiting Dane "The Pain" as a tag partner, and keeping Giovanni as the manager Kadillac, Dane, & Picarazzi would acquire the name of "The Untouchables". Winning the tag team titles of "Crazy" Chris Knevial and his partner in a TLC match in Geneva at Divine Intervention, the group is still seemingly "untouchable."
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