Ghadeer Aseri

Dr. Ghadeer Aseri born November 17, 1977 is a Kuwaiti active politician. She was one of the people who create many human right movements in Kuwait such as freedom of speech movement in 1998 when many of the Kuwaiti Authers have been legally punished for their books. She participated in Women Committee in Kuwait and attended the "Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century" In NY-USA and was the younger women from Kuwait who attended this meeting to discuss Women Political Rights in Kuwait with Dr. Fatema AL Abdali the Head of WON, She started a Yes For the Mixed Gender Education in Kuwaiti University movement in 2000 with some of Kuwait University Students to stop the Law of separation in Kuwait University, in 2001 she participated in Strike for Women Rights in Kuwait.she is researcher in social policy - Women issues in Kuwait.
She graduated from Kuwait University in 2003 with a Philosophy Major. In 2008, she earned a master's degree from Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, USA. In 2016, she graduated from Swansea University in Wales, UK with a PhD. in Social Policy.
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