Geir Bjørklund

Geir Bjørklund (born 20 April 1969 in Mo i Rana, Norway) is a researcher, health science writer, and scientific advisor. In 2013, he founded and became president of the Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (CONEM), an international non-profit association based in Norway, engaged in research related to heavy and essential metals and trace elements, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and autism spectrum disorder.
In the late 1990s, Geir Bjørklund had consulting assignments for the Norwegian Board of Health (Statens helsetilsyn). He was co-author of two of their reports on the use of dental filling materials. Bjørklund was among the first researchers in Norway who evaluated the risk of occupational disease in dentistry due to mercury and mercury vapor exposure.
In 1995, Bjørklund founded Tenner & Helse, the membership magazine of Forbundet Tenner og Helse (Norwegian Dental Patient Association), and was editor until the summer of 1999. In the 1990s, he was also a freelance journalist for Sunnhetsbladet, a Norwegian health magazine. In 2001, Bjørklund founded Nordisk Tidsskrift for Biologisk Medisin (Nordic Journal of Biological Medicine). He was the editor of this journal until 2003.

Currently, Bjørklund is а deputy chief editor of Metabolic Brain Disease (Springer) and a section editor of the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design (Bentham). Also, he is an editorial board member of Molecules (MDPI) and Pharmaceuticals (MDPI).
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