
GCpedia is a legacy GCTools component, designed as an internal wiki used by the Government of Canada’s employees for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Over 90 thousand federal employees are registered users and the platform holds around 400 thousand articles.
GCpedia has been used as a platform to take, publish, and distribute meeting minutes, to create project status dashboards, to collaboratively author interdepartmental papers, to brainstorm, and to create wiki-based briefing books.
GCpedia is managed by the GCTools Team, which also manages GCconnex and GCcollab. The team works under the Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada in the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
GCpedia was formally launched as a government-wide pilot, at the annual Government Technology Exhibition and Conference (GTEC) in Ottawa, Canada on October 28, 2008.
Potential uses
This is a list of existing and possible uses on GCpedia:
* Collaborate openly (within the Government of Canada) on a specific policy, document or subject
* Create and share meeting agendas, minutes, documents, project status dashboards, or wiki-based briefing materials
* Author interdepartmental papers collaboratively
* Organize interdepartmental working groups and communities of practice
* Share information, research, etc. that may be of interest to others
* Organize via individual's User Page links to their work on GCpedia and elsewhere, contact information, interests and experience, etc.
* Discover existing work that provides a head start to current projects<ref name=":0" />
As of May 4, 2019, there were:
* 90,000 registered users
* 397,019 content pages
* 2,120,097 page edits
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