Gathering Tree at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church

Many of the procedures involved with the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Syphilis Study in Macon County, Alabama had been centered at the Tuskegee Institute's Hospital and the nearby Veterans Administration hospital. Starting in c. 1947, however, many of the medical-related procedures took place at the Macon County Health Department. But the study also continued to touch almost every African American rural neighborhood in Macon County through annual “roundups” of subjects conducted by USPHS officials and staff. Taking the study to subjects on the site, “roundups” became common after World War II. Meetings would happen to at crossroads, local schools, churches, and stores. One subject stated: “Sometimes they would just take the blood sample and give us some medicine right there at the school, under the oak tree where we met at Shiloh.”
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