Gary-Paul Barbosa Prince

Gary-Paul Barbosa Prince (1962-2020) was an American expressionistic artist and filmmaker. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas.
Both of Barbosa Prince's parents were Mexican nationals, and he was raised in San Antonio, Texas. He cites among his influences Mad Magazine, Hans Holbein, Gustave Courbet, Diego Rivera and Andy Warhol.
He began his art studies at the A.I.C.A. New York Studio Program, and achieved a B.F.A. at San Francisco Art Institute.
*In his series *Populence* Barbosa Prince explores themes of opulence and suffering
*In the 2012 *Mexican Drug War* series, he examines the Mexican drug war and its effects on Mexican culture and populace in US border areas and the world. The series depicts the terror and horrors of current events. The painting "Narco Supper" has been called a scathing sociopolitical portrait of greed, corruption, and lawlessness by critics The painting "Une Cena de Narcos", depicts the impact of the Mexican Drug War and was exhibited at the Transmission Gallery in West Oakland, California.
*His Modern Primatives series depicts modern people in classical context. "Post 9/11" opens a dialog about politics and freedom
*Santos is a re-interpretation of saints outside of Catholic traditions. "Brain Alchemy" portrays a blend of Mexican folk imagery, religious icons and pop imagery
Public Art
Among Prince's public artworks and murals are *Analog Dialogue: The Homeless Sign Project*, *The Caution Mural*, and *The Dream Vault*
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