Gary Concepcion (youth politician)

Gary Concepcion is a youth politician and police cadet in Leicester, England.
Early life
Concepcion was born in Leicester on 24 November 2001 to Ruth Bishop and Gary “Gaz” Concepcion.
He attended St Patrick's Primary School and Soar Valley College.
He grew up in the Belgrave area of Leicester.
Concepcion has been a Youth Councillor on Leicester City Council since March 2016.
He has been Chairman of Leicester’s Youth Council.
Concepcion is a Police Cadet and is the Head of the Central Leicester Unit.
He also been a St John Ambulance Cadet.
He is a Charity Trustee.
Concepcion has been a DJ/Radio Presenter on Takeover Radio.
Concepcion became an Honoured Citizen of Leicester in 2012. He was awarded by the Lord Mayor of Leicester.
Concepcion was awarded the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire’s Young Person of the Year Award, in the ‘Young Braveheart’ category.
What was read before Concepcion was presented with the award is as follows:
“Gary Concepcion from Leicester, is 15, and attends Soar Valley College.
As a child, Gary was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder as well as Generalised Anxiety Disorder. This meant that even the simplest daily activities can become quite a stressful experience.
At 13, socially isolated and unable to relate to his peers, Gary was transferred from mainstream learning into a special school where he struggled to cope. With his condition, Gary would have felt overwhelmed by all the demands placed on him: travelling to a new place, adjusting to the size of the school, and interacting with so many unfamiliar people.
By joining the Belgrave Youth Centre, Gary learnt about self-management and developed excellent social skills, even becoming a senior member of the youth club. Last year, aged 14, Gary stood for elections in the Leicester City Young People's Council and was elected to represent young people in his area. Gary ran an outstanding campaign, convincing young people that he was the suitable candidate to represent them. Now a YPC rep, Concepcion attends citywide meetings alongside other YPC reps and sits in Scrutiny with other elected officials.
Gary has become more confident, assertive and more independent; he addresses meetings, takes part in debates and has become known for always coming up with the brightest ideas.
In his local Belgrave area, Gary is considered by his peers to be their local youth champion. Last year, he championed the voices of young people in Belgrave during the last phase of the Transforming Neighbourhood Services, where he carried out a consultation with you g people about the use of council buildings in Belgrave.
This year, Gary has gone back into mainstream learning, where his academic work is now of a very high standard and he is on course to achieve his GCSEs and to go on to college next year.
In the 12 months that Gary has been a member of the YPC, those around him have witnessed his transformation into a young person who has mastered the art of interacting, speaking out, and even supporting and empowering other young people.”
Personal life
Concepcion has Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.
He resides in Belgrave, Leicester.
Concepcion is an avid cyclist and has rode many long distance routes.
Concepcion is a cousin of Leicester’s Boxing brothers Martin Concepcion and Kevin Concepcion.
He is a cousin twice removed of George Turpin, a professional boxer and an Olympic Medallist, through his Grandmother Thelma Sutcliffe.
Through his paternal Grandfather Nicholas, Concepcion is a cousin twice removed of former Lord Mayor of Liverpool Tony Concepcion.
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