Garry Burge

Garry Nicholas Burge is an adult with Asperger Syndrome living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Burge was born in Brisbane 17 August 1972 and was diagnosed in 1998 while a undergraduate student at the University of New England in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. Despite being diagnosed later in life, Burge undertakes a lot of awareness of Asperger Syndrome in his own time as well as working within the University of Queensland Social Sciences and Humanities Library. Garry Burge was appointed to the University of Queensland Disability Sub Committee as Staff Representative and was elected to the Board of Asperger Services Australia in 2010. Despite the many challenges he has confronted in his life, Burge has helped to form the University of Queensland Asperger Syndrome Support Group and is currently also a member of Asperger Services Australia based in Brisbane.
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